ENTRY FORM for 2023
Date and Time: Saturday, April 1, 2023
12415 Murphy Ave
San Martin, CA 95046-9527
Early Bird table set-up at 7:00 am - help set up and get a prime location!
Show Hall opens at 8:00 am - Classes Begin at 9:00 am.
Please register by March 10, 2023 to avoid late fees!!!!
Mail Entry with your Check or Money Order To:
Jane Morehouse
FPC #19
923 Dillo Street
San Leandro, CA 94578
Yes, PayPal is available - see below
Name:______________________________________If Youth, age of entrant_____________________
Address:___ _____________________________________________________
Phone:______ ____________________________________________________
eMail:____ _______________________________________________________
Please be ready to show your Covid Vaccination card prior to being allowed entry to the showhall. In compliance with the Lions Clubs contract and requirements, separate Covid-19 restrictions and liability release form required by the showhall must be signed and presented at the door prior to entry into the showhall.
If proxy, name of horse owner you are showing for: _________________________________________________________________
*PAY PAL - $5.00 EXTRA (you MUST present a complete paper entry form with a signed liability release portion to be admitted into the building
If you want to pay via PayPal please note: As we all know using Pay Pal is quick and easy but they do charge fees to receive incoming funding. Our goal as showholders is to keep our shows financially healthy (especially if a show has a charitable donation as its goal). In order to reach those goals each entry fee needs to "do its job" and be banked without fee deductions by Pay Pal. These prepaid showers fees are what pays for hall rentals and rosettes and judges costs, etc. before the show date ever arrives, while monies received from auctions and raffles are often the source for the charity donation dollars. Here is what seems feasible and fair: Entry fees and other payments may be made using Pay Pal so long as an extra $5.00 is included to cover the Pay Pal fees. If this is acceptable to you as a shower, please use this ID: annjane2@earthlink.net and be sure to use the subject FPC ENTRY.
If you prefer, you may cut & paste or copy this page, fill it out and e-mail it to annjane2@earthlink.net and be sure to use the subject FPC ENTRY #19.
Early-Bird Entry Fees (received on or before March 10, 2023):
Full table $60.00
Half table $40.00
Extra full table $40.00
Extra half table $25.00
Late Entry Fees (after March 1): Full table $70.00
Late Entry Fees (after March 1): Half table $55.00
Proxy Entry - 20 horses max - no table provided $45.00
This is an open seating event (except where tables are reserved for judges or showholder official needs). Entrants should have no problem getting the table space they desire. If you only need half a table, please order a half table. Secondary full tables may be available depending on show entry volume. Please make your request early.
Tables will need to be set-up on show-morning and we will do everything possible to make the set-up go as quickly as possible. Show management appreciates any help you can offer during set-up. Those that help set-up can select their locations sooner.
PRIOR TO SHOWHALL OPENING: Special cleaning procedures will be done between table set up and doors opening. This includes spraying with cleaners, wiping down shower tables, raffle table, etc. Cleaning supplies will be on hand in case you feel the need to reclean any items in your area. Please be sure to bring mask(s) so as to be compliant with any recent changes in state, local or show building/venue rules.
As ususal, Potluck plans and details to be decided
Class sponsor $ 1.00
Breed Section Sponsor $ 5.00
Overall Division Champ $25.00
Best In Show $35.00
Reserve Best In Show $30.00
Total Amount Due: $_________________
Sponsoring the following:
(class name) _______________________________________
(section name) _____________________________________
(division name) _____________________________________
*Please make checks/money orders payable to JANE MOREHOUSE. A fee of 25.00 will be charged for any returned/bounced checks.
*Entries received with incorrect balance or balance due will be held until fees are paid in full.
*Please include a hard-copy printout of e-mail entry information when sending payment. E-mail entries are accepted, but not considered to be complete until payment and a signed liability waiver is received. Bring your proof of entry (print out) with you on show day.
*Entries are NOT COMPLETE until all required signed releases are on file with the Showholder!
*Entries postmarked or received via US Mail or e-mail after March 10, 2023 must be paid at the Late Entry Fee amount.
*REFUND POLICY: Full refund can be made for requests received by 8:00PM on March 1, 2023. 50% refund can be made for requests received by 8:00PM on March 15, 2023. No further refunds can be made after that time.
*MID-DAY MODEL SHIFT: Models that have been shown and packed during the morning’s classes may be taken out to the owner’s cars and traded for afternoon entries. A full one hour lunch break should allow time for the new models to come in and be unpacked. The parking lot is level and extremely accessible.
A signed release from each entrant (or parent or guardian if you are under 18) is required, so follow up all e-mail entries with a printed copy, please! You may also bring your signed release with you and submit it at registration, but you will NOT BE ALLOWED TO SHOW WITHOUT THE SIGNED RELEASE ON FILE.
I hereby release the event coordinators, judges, helpers for THE FANTASTIC PLASTIC CLASSIC #19 model horse show, and all employees or volunteers of the San Martin Lions Club, as well as the facility management and catering managem8nt, of any liability for any personal injury, property damage or loss that may occur during the course of this one-day event. I further understand that all judges\' decisions are final, and I agree not to hold any judge or member of the event staff liable for any decision or judgment that is made in the course of the event. I have read and understood the rules of THE FANTASTIC PLASTIC CLASSIC Model Horse show and agree to abide by these rules. I understand that if these rules are violated, I may be asked to leave the class or event at any time with no refund of fees.
Signature:__________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian:___________________________ Date: ________________